On this page you will find our Terms of Use for New England Center for Attention and Learning Inc., which are our legal and administrative policies regarding privacy, response time and customer support, copyright, purchases, refunds, our digital and print media policies, and other policies which we utilize in the course of our business. By accessing this site and/or purchasing our products and services you are agreeing to abide by our Terms of Use. If you have any questions about this please email support@lifting-limits.org.
PRIVACY POLICY New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. offers this privacy statement as evidence of our firm, dedicated commitment to customer privacy. Through our online newsletter we ask visitors for their contact information, such as their name and email address. This information is used to send email newsletters and special offers or communication that we from time to time will distribute to our user base. This information is never shared with or divulged to third parties. Through our shopping cart system, visitors provide their contact information, such as name, email address, and mailing and billing addresses, and financial information, such as credit card numbers. This information is maintained in secure, redundant, encrypted, and protected systems supplied and monitored by our shopping cart provider. We do not maintain any of this information in-house. New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. is a US corporation and we abide by all US privacy and data security laws. We do not make any additional or extraneous accommodations for the laws of other countries.
SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT, CUSTOMER SUPPORT, AND TERMS OF RESPONSE Our standard response time for emails is within 24 to 48 hours or 1 to 2 business days, with exceptions for holidays and weekends. We do not offer 24×7 customer support and cannot guarantee a reply if request are not sent to our support mailbox, which is support@lifting-limits.org. Standard policy for refunds and others terms of use applies. While we do our best to resolve issues, those situations that are caused through a customer’s actions, such as removal or unsubscribing from a list, not reading instructions, not adding our email address to their mailbox as instructed so emails are not received, or incomplete purchases, including ignoring download time limits, can sometimes not be resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
For long term programs or subscriptions, we will address the issue of a refund on a case by case basis. Under no circumstance do we offer a full refund to a customer who has already begun or who has completed a course or a program. We do not take responsibility for issues caused by customer actions that are beyond our control or force major issues such as weather related power outages or technical issues that we cannot control, such as those involving our phone and internet service.
We will make every attempt to ensure that the customer receives their purchase but cannot and will not assume responsibility for situations resulting from customer actions that directly interfere with how a purchase is completed or directly subvert the purchase process. If a or customer is at fault for a delayed receipt of a program or purchase we will do our best to attempt to remedy a situation. However, no customer is entitled to a refund for circumstances and events caused by their carelessness, misuse of software and applications, attempts at fraud or theft, not following instructions or reading emails, or any other action the customer may take that impedes their receipt of a product or service.
Under no circumstances do we offer full refunds for a program, course, evaluation, instructional sessions, coaching package, or other product purchase that has been completed by the customer. This is not negotiable and any attempts to obtain a refund by issuing a chargeback or false statement against New England Center for Attention and Learning will be considered as fraud and legal action will be taken against the customer.
DIGITAL FILE TERMS OF USE & COPYRIGHT NOTICE All media and print items purchased or otherwise accessed on any website managed by New Englant Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. are copyrighted material, and are protected by US and international copyright law. Trademarks apply as per US and international trademark law. Registered trademarks are indicated. When you purchase and/or download any of these products you are agreeing to abide by the terms of our File Sharing, Posting, Download, Copyright & Terms Of Use Notice, as described in the next section.
All commercial organizations, persons, or corporations claiming ownership to material that is the intellectual property, under copyright, and/or all published content of New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. shall be subject to civil and criminal charges and all legal remedies shall be pursued, including damages, under state and federal law. It is illegal to copy someone’s work without permission, to trademark intellectual property that you did not create and do not own, and to claim ownership of any portion of content that is not your original work. We take copyright violation and theft of intellectual property very seriously and pursue each case with immediate legal action that will include a Cease and Desist Notice, followed by filing documents for redress that includes disgorgement of profits, penalties, damages, and Court costs. We will also publicly discuss the copyright infringement, theft of intellectual property, and theft or misuse of any work of New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc.
FILE SHARING, POSTING, DOWNLOAD, COPYRIGHT & TERMS OF USE NOTICE All material on any of the websites owned and maintained by New England Center for Attention and Learning is copyrighted and protected under US and international copyright law. It is illegal and a violation of US and international copyright laws to share any type of print or digital media files with others, use them outside of the limits of the stated policies, and post them on shared or accessible sites, especially when such activities are expressly and specifically forbidden by the copyright holder.
You are expressly and specifically prohibited from sharing any print or digital media files with anyone, for any reason, posting them on any on-line site, including blogs or cloud-based environments, or otherwise distributing, sharing, or using them in any form whatsoever. The copy you purchase or have access to as part of a product, course, paid membership or free or paid program is for your personal use only and may not be shared or posted, as noted above, or used as part of a class, seminar, in any program, or with your clients.
All file downloads are audited and monitored. If you choose to disregard our download sharing policy and share these files you will be charged the full price of the program and/or download, or not less than $100USD, for every illegal file posting, share, or download, plus attorney fees and applicable Court Costs. We reserve the right to charge penalties based on the statutory limits as set by the Copyright Act, Title 17 of the US Code. We prosecute everyone who violates these policies to the fullest extent of the law. All content on this website is Copyright (c) 2022 by New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.
COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property are an ongoing source of concern for all authors and content creators whose work is stolen by people who think that laws protecting original content do not apply to them. We have a strict, zero tolerance policy towards copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property.
All content in New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc and Sarah White's books, programs, websites, articles, podcasts, and on social media is protected by US and international copyright law and laws regarding the ownership of intellectual property. WE HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY REGARDING COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. If you violate copyright and intellectual property law and appropriate, use, steal, or in any way usurp these laws by copying, illegally sharing, using, selling, or otherwise using Sarah White or New England Center for Attention and Learning's content, you will be publicly named and you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We take copyright protections very seriously and we will not tolerate any instance of copyright infringement or theft of intellectual property.
ROYALTY AND LICENSING AGREEMENTS Should you be interested in utilizing any content that you find on this website or have accessed in a paid product, a Royalty and Licensing Agreement may be considered upon written request. Any other use of this content without the express written permission and express consent of Sarah White, as the director of New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc., and any other author of content access on its website(s), is considered to be copyright infringement, plagiarism, and theft of intellectual property. In every case, appropriate legal action will be taken and full legal remedies, including damages, disgorgement of earnings, and other available remedies, will be pursued.
MAILING LIST OPT-IN AND OPT-OUT Our mailing list is achieved through opt-in only practices, this means that visitors must provide their name and email address by entering it into specified places on our website(s). We do not harvest or collect email addresses from other sources and the only way to be on one of our mailing lists is to have manually entered an email address in our sign-up boxes. Any opt-in based subscription is double opt-in, so users must confirm their email address by replying to a confirmation email. There is no other way to be added to our mailing lists. All of our newsletters and mailings have an ‘opt-out’ link as part of the mailing, in fulfillment of the CAN SPAM and Electronic Privacy and Communications Acts. The user can automatically opt out of receiving further communications from us by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of every email. Or they can use the contact form at lifting-limits.org to be removed from our mailing list. Please note that we respond to all support requests within two (2) business days or longer.
CLIENT AND CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES As a provider of a wide range of services to a global audience we interact with a wide range of customers from all over the world. It is our intention to assist our customers and clients in achieving the results they want with our products and services but we cannot make any guarantees as to how they will use what they learn to create their own transformation. While we provide an excellent range of services and products that we know are effective and the best in their class, we have expectations of our customers that we will work with. We reserve the right to terminate client and customer relationships when they violate our terms of service or become a liability to our business. These include, but are not limited to:
REFUND POLICY Please read this policy carefully as it governs how New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc., addresses the issue of product returns, refunds, and credit card chargebacks. By accessing a purchase, downloading a file, or interacting with this website and completing a purchase you are legally agreeing to this refund policy and to abide by it. Refunds must be manually processed and you will be charged an administrative fee of $50 to process a refund.
Returns Returns of any physical product are accepted only if the product is defective in some way. Each physical product shipped is inspected and warranted to be free from defects. In the event a product is defective, which is determined to be as described below for different product types that are sold on the New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. websites(s):
CDs and digital products in hard copy format (not MP3 or downloads) a return is considered if product does not play, is blank, or is damaged in shipment and rendered unplayable. Upon your emailed or written request, a new product will be shipped to you using our standard mailing processes (US first class domestic and international priority mail). We will only ship one replacement product for a defective product. If this still does not meet your satisfaction then your will be offered a digital version of the product for download or a credit to use towards another product in our store.
Digital products, which includes MP3 downloads and e-books, either individually or as part of a paid course or program, are not eligible for a refund under any circumstances. If you are unable to download your product please email support@lifting-limits.org because your download failed, you missed the download deadline, or you were unable to download the file. You will receive a temporary link for an additional, one-time download. We do not offer technical support for download products, other than basic download instructions for PC and MAC users. You should refer to your owner’s guide for your personal digital media device, such as a phone, tablet, or iPad.
How refunds are administered: Refunds are provided in accordance with our stated refund terms and are processed within 3 to 5 business days of your request. The following policies govern refunds by product or service type:
Consultations: Refunds for services such as individual consultations, evaluation services or any instructional services are not provided under any circumstances. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Instructional packages: Refunds for multiple session instructional packages are pro-rated as follows:
Programs: Programs may include audio and .pdf files, as well as individual and group class options. Once a program page has been accessed by the user, he/she is considered as having participated in the program. Any refund, if considered, will be prorated to reflect file access and downloads, as well as coaching services already delivered, as detailed in the “Coaching Packages” section above. The full cost of the audio/pdf portion of the program will be deducted from any refund, plus an administrative fee of not less than $50, at our discretion and depending on the amount of time and effort expended in processing client emails and the refund.
We do not offer full refunds at the full price of any purchased programs. This policy is not negotiable. Downloads are monitored by user IP address on our servers and proof of download will be provided to customer if requested. Once files are downloaded they are considered to be purchased and all refund policies for digital files apply.
Digital and media file purchases will not be refunded as they are available as instant downloads and delivered after purchase. This also applies to programs that include downloadable media files, such as audios, videos, and .pdf documents, which are available to the purchaser for their use. Once a program is accessed and the files available and accessed, purchase has been completed and the customer has access to the files. Purchase is considered to be complete and refunds are not provided on materials that the customer has received. There are no exceptions to our refund policy as it applies to digital media.
Paid Webinars/Teleseminars: Refunds for paid webinars or teleseminars are not provided under any circumstances. Calls are recorded and those are available to all purchasers. If you do not download the recording prior to its expiration, which is clearly stated in the teleclass and its accompanying materials, you may request that the file be sent to you electronically or in hard copy at an additional charge. You should send all such requests to support@lifting-limits.com.
Multiple refund requests: Customers who request two or more refunds for products or services will be barred from further purchases on our website. If a customer schedules multiple evaluation sessions, then cancels and requests a refund, that customer will no longer be allowed to purchase sessions. Processing refunds requires administrative and manual input and multiple refunds indicates a lack of commitment in the customer and we cannot accommodate the abuse of our administrative staff. While extraordinary circumstances are taken into consideration, we treat multiple refund requests as being an abuse of our resources and, after issuing the refund as per our stated guidelines, will bar that customer from using our website and purchasing our products and services.
CHARGEBACKS The charge that will appear on your credit card statement will be made to New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc.. If you place a chargeback with your credit card company (on purpose or by mistake) for any order including recurring orders that you placed and received, there will be a $75.00 research fee charged to your account upon receiving the chargeback by our merchant provider to cover our investigative expenses to prove that you did make the purchase.
THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY If you do not remember making the purchase – call the number on your statement next to the charge BEFORE calling your bank or submit a support request at support@lifting-limits.org You may call us at the number posted on our website if you have questions about your purchase. New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. does not tolerate credit card fraud, and all fraud, without exception, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
In addition, we will pursue civil legal action seeking any loss of income related to the fraud, including business revenues, legal fees, research costs, employee down time, and loss of revenues. New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. considers credit card chargebacks to be fraud if you have made no reasonable effort to work with us to resolve any problems with your purchase.
All chargebacks require extensive administrative time to process and take them away from our usual and customary matters of conducting normal business, as they are time intensive, therefore: You agree that if you, the buyer, choose to do business with New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc., and you file a chargeback with your credit card company, and you do not win the charge back argument, you agree to pay us $75 for our time spent responding to the credit card company to resolve this matter. We are obligated to respond to and resolve every chargeback.
You, the buyer authorize us to charge the amount of your purchase to your credit card. If this charge is rejected, New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. will pursue legal action to recoup losses for our time associated with responding to the charge back in addition to any other fees explained above.
You agree to reimburse us or any representative we may appoint for any legal expenses your actions may make us incur. We take fraud seriously. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The waiver of a breach hereunder does not waive any other or subsequent breach. In the event that you win the charge back with your credit card company, and have not submitted a ticket to our support site prior to issuing a chargeback, New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. will attempt to recover a research fee plus additional costs via a third-party collection agency and your account will be reported to all credit bureaus as a delinquent collection account. This may severely damage your credit rating for at least the next seven (7) years.
Customers who initiate chargebacks are removed from our customer lists and blocked from further purchases from our websites. Any person who violates the terms and conditions of our business policies, as stated and defined here, are also removed from all customer and mailing lists and blocked from making further purchases on our websites. Note: The customer must attempt to contact us via email or any existing ticket system before attempting a chargeback. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.
DISCLAIMER None of our products or services is accompanied by any guarantee of results. We cannot guarantee results for any customer or client because that is entirely dependent on their level of commitment and desire for change. Any stated or posted testimonials for results have come from customers, students, and clients who have completed sessions, work, or programs with New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. and reported their unique, individual results. Under no circumstances do we guarantee or state that these results can be replicated by others. Transformation, success, and life changes require a high level of commitment, discipline, and desire and those are up to the individual to implement in their lives. Our services and products are not to be considered as a replacement for mental or medical advice or services.
CONTACT Any questions about our privacy statement, mailing practices, refunds, returns, chargebacks or interactions with this website should be directed to us at support@lifting-limits.org or in writing and mailed to our office address: New England Center for Attention and Learning, Inc. 322 N Main St., Suite 4, Barre, VT 05641 USA Telephone: 802-227-2411 email: support@lifting-limits.org
GDPR is a directive published by the European Union governing data privacy and movement on the internet. It applies to areas of the EU and to citizens of the European Union. We do not directly comply with GDPR because it is a violation of US law and US Federal Code to allow any foreign entity, government, or institution to impose their laws on US citizens. Since we comply with all US laws regarding privacy, data management, and unrequested solicitation, and use professional companies to store and manage our data, we will not subject ourselves to additional regulations by complying with the GDPR’s directives as they do not apply to US companies.
We follow all privacy and spam laws and policies and do not store, sell, or have access to customer data, other than that which is freely and voluntarily provided by visitors to our websites who sign up for newsletters or various downloads on offer. At no time do we misrepresent our intentions regarding customer data, which we limit to first name and email address for email subscribers. Any other customer data, such as that collected during a sale from our websites, is managed by the payment gateway providers.
Any website visitor from the EU is well aware of the GDPR. All website visitors from the EU should b aware that we do not monitor our websites for visitor location or block any visitors from any locale, locality, or geographic location. All EU sourced website visitors are promised the same privacy and security measures that apply to all of our website visitors.
We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data.